
6 pathways

Food Safety

Food safety can be a scary topic for farmers, but it's better to approach it with eyes wide open. Learn what you need to know through exploring common topics in the food safety arena.

What types of food safety permits and licenses do I need?

How do cottage food laws work?

What kind of food safety liability insurance do I need?

How do I protect myself from the legal ramifications of a food safety crisis on my farm?

What are the GAP standards and do I have to comply with them?

Do I have to comply with FSMA?

Have you been impacted by the federal funding freeze? We want to hear from you!

Have you read our resources on legal actions and appeals around the federal funding freeze? Do you think you’ll move forward with an appeal? Is there more support you need around the process? Share your thoughts with us! Your contributions will help ensure we’re putting effort toward the issues that matter most to you.