This guide is written for a farm business owner starting to contemplate what might happen to their business after they retire. What tools are available to business owners who want their business to continue after retirement and, eventually, after they pass?

Before you read this guide, we want to ensure you are in the right place. If you haven’t considered planning for retirement, start with our Farm Succession Planning Basics. If you’re ready to dive into the legal tools to help you make a plan for passing the farm business on, this guide is for you. Alternatively, you may prefer a multimedia learning experience in which case we recommend taking the self-paced course, Legal Tools and Relationships for Farm Succession. The guidance here will help a farm business sustain itself through the present into the future. The pointers in this guide will help whether you pass the farm on to a family member or another non-related farmer you know (or hope to find!). The guidance covers topics from wills to trusts, Medicaid, and using business agreements to organize succession. This guide will address many potential succession plans!

A quick note on vocabulary that we will use throughout this guide. We will use the phrase “retiring farmer” for farm business owners starting to contemplate retirement and think about how their business might be transferred to the next generation. This does not mean that you need to be exceedingly close to retirement or that you need to completely retire from working in the business once the succession plan begins. And, for the flip side, we will refer to incoming farmers as “aspiring farmers.” Of course, farmers who take over a business will likely be skilled and established farm managers in their own right (and may have already owned farm businesses in the past). We aren’t choosing this moniker to exclude anyone but to develop a shorthand way to capture two classes of people–the folks transitioning out of the farm business and those transitioning into the farm business.

That said, this guide is written in a way that speaks to the retiring farmer. Aspiring farmers can still learn from this material. Still, we’ve assumed that the retiring farmer will be making many initial decisions about how to structure the succession plan, and we have written this guide with that audience as our focus.

At the outset of this journey, we want to be clear that farm succession isn’t easy. Success is less common than we would like. One primary reason that farm transitions have a high failure rate is that the investments required to support a successful succession project—from relationship building to attorney’s fees—need a fair amount of assets. When we say assets, we do not mean only money! But, we believe that the process of farm succession is a project for stable farm businesses that can survive a transition in ownership and into the future. How do you determine whether the business can withstand the transition?

We are going to help you assess that right here in this introduction! We’ve set out a few key questions that can give you the framework to evaluate how prepared your business is to weather a transition to the next generation. The first of these is about the monetary value of the farm business. A hard-to-escape reality is that enough resources must be available to support the succession process. Not only that, but the farm business must be profitable enough to justify the expense and effort that will go into the transition. Will the new farm owners be handed a business capable of financially sustaining their family needs?

A related key question is about the assets available to the retiring farmer to fund retirement and potential long-term care costs. Are farm assets at risk of being liquidated to pay for the retiring farmer’s living expenses and medical needs?

Money, of course, is not the only factor, and, in the end, it might not even be the most important. The third key question concerns a huge asset often overlooked– one’s relationships. To effectively manage a farm business transition, the business owner needs to develop and maintain a relationship with the incoming business owner. Beyond that more personal relationship, further relationships with people in the agricultural services industry will ensure a seamless transition.

And finally, the fourth key question inquires about the retiring farmer’s goals and values. There might be values that the business holds that have nothing to do with money or interpersonal relationships, such as land conservation, wealth-sharing, or a commitment to sustainable farming. These are the more intangible parts that create the identity of a business and will be more or less critical depending on the retiring farmer’s goals and values.

So, let’s dive in!

Key Questions to Consider

Key Question #1: Can the farm provide the retiring farmer and the aspiring farmer with sufficient resources during the transition?

Key Questions #2: What financial resources are needed to support the retiring farmer for the rest of their days?

Key Question #3: What relationship-based assets does your business have?

Key Question #4: What values are attached to the farm?

Writing Instruments Needed Ahead: For the next exercise, you will need a pen and paper or a blank word document.

Try This: How Ready is Your Farm Business for a Succession Plan? (Freely timed or ~20 minute exercise)

Answer the questions below to assess the farm’s readiness for implementing a succession plan. Do not worry if the answers aren’t what you “want” them to be–this process is about seeing things clearly and learning what action steps to take next! Each question is followed by three options. Check the box that is closest to how you evaluate your farm’s situation. Each option is accompanied by action steps designed to move you forward in your succession journey.

Key Question #1: Can the farm provide the retiring and aspiring farmers with sufficient resources during the transition?

  • unchecked The farm’s value is strong, with moderate to high cash flow, and it would be a marketable business if I were to sell it.
  • unchecked I am not sure what the value of my business is.
  • unchecked The business is in somewhat of a weak spot (i.e., significant outstanding debt, little cash flow, or profits have been decreasing.)

Checked box #1: In this case, you’ll have flexibility in how you structure your succession plan! You could gift or sell your business to a successor. A sale might help fund your retirement. Your next steps are:

  1. Ensure you have all business assets, liabilities, and valuation documented and that records are organized and ready to pass on to the aspiring farmer.

  2. If the farmland is part of the succession plan, have the land appraised and make a clear plan for the transfer of the land as well as the business. Will the land be sold as part of the sale of the business? Will it be a separate transaction? It might be helpful to speak with an attorney to fully understand your options in regard to land transfer.

  3. Read the rest of this guide to determine if you want to pursue succession through a will, a trust, or the business governance document–or some combination of those options!

Checked box #2: In this case, first get the answers to the four questions posed in the text of the guide above. You can’t move forward without knowing what the financial outlook of your business is. Your next steps are:

  1. Hire professionals (if needed or wanted) to help assess the business’ health. The points we made above will help you with this but are not a substitute for a detailed financial analysis and consideration of the business’s strengths.

  2. Document the findings of the financial analysis and keep good records!

  3. If the farmland is part of the succession plan, have the land appraised and make a clear plan for the transfer of the land as well as the business. Will the land be sold as part of the sale of the business? Will it be a separate transaction? It might be helpful to speak with an attorney to fully understand your options in regard to land transfer.

  4. Read the rest of this guide to begin to consider your succession options.

Checked box #3: This may impact your ability to sell the business if that was part of your succession plan. Your next steps are:

  1. Work with professionals to make sure your analysis of the business is accurate. Financial planners and professionals with experience in succession may have a different analysis of the financial health of the operation.

  2. Even if the financial health of the operation doesn’t make it marketable for sale, the business can still be passed on! The business can be gifted via several legal tools discussed in this guide.

  3. If there is farmland as a business asset, have the land appraised. Consider selling the land to cover any debts or liabilities and help fund retirement.

Key Question #2: What financial resources are available to fund the retirement and potential long-term care costs of the retiring farmer?

  • unchecked Funds for retirement and long-term care costs are held separately from the business, and I anticipate they will be adequate for my needs.
  • unchecked I am unsure if I have sufficient financial resources to cover my retirement needs!
  • unchecked There are insufficient financial resources for my retirement and potential long-term care.

Checked box #1: Great! This gives you a lot of options in designing the succession plan. Your next steps are:

  1. Read the rest of the guide to decide how to handle the farm’s succession. You won’t necessarily need to consider qualifying for Medicaid but may need to consider the impact of estate and gift taxes.

  2. Having your retirement and potential long-term care costs covered allows you to choose more freely whether you want to sell or gift your portion of the business and/or land while you are alive, or if you want to hold onto it until after you pass. Again, consider gift and estate taxes when making this decision!

Checked box #2: No problem, let’s look at what some of your next steps could be:

  1. If you haven’t yet done so, look at the average cost of long-term care in your region by using the Genworth Cost of Care Survey tool. Make a savings goal based on this average (only you, and potentially a professional you hire can make a personalized guess as to how much to save for these potential costs).

  2. Hire a financial planner or other professional to help you determine your retirement and long-term care savings options.

  3. After completing research and talking with your chosen professionals, decide if you will save to meet your retirement and long-term care financial goals or if you will need to design your succession plan to help you qualify for Medicaid to cover potential long-term care costs.

Checked box # 3: There are still options for how you can move forward! Your next steps are:

  1. Determine if you have assets that could be sold or used to help fund retirement or long-term care costs. Triage these assets so that you know which assets to sell off first if it comes to that.

  2. Consider structuring a plan that would allow you to qualify for Medicaid (which would require action sooner rather than later).

Key Question #3: What relationship-based assets does your business have?

  • unchecked I have strong ties in my local agricultural community, both with other farmers, some aspiring farmers, and with the professionals who provide our community with technical assistance.
  • unchecked I have good relationships but need folks who can help with succession.
  • unchecked I’m not sure where to turn for support.

Checked box # 1: Wonderful! Your next steps are:

  1. Write down the relationships you have, and pinpoint which ones will best serve you during your succession journey.

  2. Schedule an appointment or a coffee date with one or more of the folks you have identified.

Checked box # 2: This is a good place to be. Your next steps are:

  1. Identify anyone in your network who has created a farm succession plan, and ask them out for coffee or tea!

  2. Ask as many people in your network as is necessary for you to get good references for professionals who can help you with your succession journey.

Checked box # 3: If this is the case, then it is time to start networking with some new folks. Your next steps are:

  1. Research what agricultural service providers exist in your area that know about farm succession. Attend their events. If you can’t find anyone locally, find whoever is closest to you doing succession work, and call them for a reference for someone closer to your location.

  2. Sign up for farm succession trainings, and ask a lot of questions! Get in touch with farmers who have been successful and ask them what they did and what professionals they relied upon.

  3. Consider advertising that you are looking for a farm successor on local farming listservs or other appropriate places.

Key Question #4: What goals do you have?

There aren’t checkboxes for this question because answers can go in so many different directions! Take some time to discover your overall objective for your land and business. Are you primarily concerned about the land being sold and developed into a subdivision? Do you want to participate in the landback movement? Or do you really want to support the next generation of farmers? Take some time to reflect and write down what your goals for your business and land, if applicable, are.

These bigger-picture goals aren’t the focus of this guide, but here are some quick resources to help you with various goals! This is an incomplete list, but hopefully, it will get you started with innovative ways to help you reach your overarching objectives! Otherwise, we suggest you keep these goals in mind as you read through your succession options explained in this guide!

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