I’m worried about auto accidents while working. What do I need to know?

Auto accidents come with significant expenses. Commercial auto insurance can protect you, your vehicles, and your business.

Vehicles are often essential to a farm or ranch business. Vans or trucks might be used to collect the harvest from the field, make CSA and wholesale deliveries, or transport equipment. After an auto accident, your farm vehicle may need seriously expensive repairs– or you may be on the hook to pay for someone else’s repairs. A commercial auto insurance policy is an effective way to make sure those expenses are covered. In our Farm Auto Insurance Options guide (15min), you’ll find key distinctions between different types of commercial auto insurance policies and scenarios to help you figure out what type of commercial auto insurance is right for you (if any).

Commercial auto insurance can often be bundled into a farm property insurance policy (which covers other farm property, including buildings and equipment). To learn more about farm property insurance in general, visit our Farm Property Insurance Basics.


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