To sort them out, look no further than the Legally Resilient Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Program Guide (43pgs.), which will help you navigate the issues around sales, sharing risk, offering gift certificates, dealing with securities laws, managing drop sites, combining farm product, working with volunteers, hosting events, and managing food safety.
We can’t stress enough the importance of a strong CSA Member Agreement as a tool to foster happy members and satisfied farmers. Learn how to draft one of your own with our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Member Agreement Workbook (42pgs.). This guide includes a helpful checklist of what to include in your CSA member agreement as well as a model CSA agreement. We know no one creates a CSA to put up barriers between their farm and members so don’t worry- there’s lots of ways to make your sales agreement friendly and community-supporting.
If listening or watching is more your learning style, we have two recorded webinars for you on CSAs. We have a basic tutorial, Put Your CSA On Strong Legal Footing (1hr. 52min.), explores the importance of CSA membership agreements, having the right insurance, liability issues with drop sites, and the risks of member events and volunteer programs. It also includes an attorney’s perspective on the CSA model and useful tips on what you can do to protect your farm from the unique legal risks associated with running a CSA. We also have the advanced tutorial, Going In-Depth With CSA Farm Law (1hr. 43min.), which provides farmers with in-depth tools to move forward on managing sales, drop-site, volunteer, and worker share matters. It also discusses some of the more unique CSA programs like farmers’ market pre-pay programs and multi-farm cooperative CSAs.
Have you read our resources on legal actions and appeals around the federal funding freeze? Do you think you’ll move forward with an appeal? Is there more support you need around the process? Share your thoughts with us! Your contributions will help ensure we’re putting effort toward the issues that matter most to you.