Before you jump into any agritourism venture, it is crucial that you make sure that the venture is allowed on your farm. Even if your farm is located in an area with a lot of agricultural activity, that doesn’t mean you can engage in activities that are not really farming (think: Goat yoga!). Check out our free Agritourism Legal Basics, which provides some quick guidance on zoning, and how to research what is allowed on your property.

For more in-depth guidance on (a) how to research your zoning code and (b) how to move forward concerning a zoning code challenge, read Strategies for Navigating Zoning Codes and Challenges. For an interactive learning experience on your own schedule, take our self-paced course Asking Important Questions About an Agricultural Parcel. This self-paced course helps producers identify the costs, responsibilities, and opportunities associated with a parcel of agricultural land. Doing due diligence by researching the activities that are allowed and disallowed on the land is especially important when diversifying into agritourism. This course will help you to do this research efficiently so that you can make informed decisions and investments.

Don’t stop there. Also read the Farmers’ Legal Guide to On-Farm Events (19 pages) for a broader perspective on legal issues, generally. This guide will give you practical steps to manage your exposure through zoning codes, disability accommodations, food service regulations, tax permits, injuries and insurance.